283 St Rose Ave
Windsor, ON N8S 1X1
To ensure your convenience, below is the information you need about our podiatry office, including our hours, location and appointment scheduling.
If, for any reason, you cannot keep a scheduled appointment or will be delayed, please call as soon as possible. Charges may be incurred for appointments cancelled less than 24 hours before scheduled appointment time.
Our staff can answer questions and provide information that you may need in order for you to be reimbursed by your extended health provider.
NOTE: Our staff cannot call to request information from your insurance carrier. Your insurance is an agreement between you and the provider. Therefore, the information is only accessible by you.
Simply contact your extended health benefit provider and ask if you have podiatry and/or chiropody benefits. We strongly recommend that you ask your provider if OHIP must be exhausted prior to using your benefits.
Windsor, ON N8S 1X1
(519) 258-3668
- We typically take a break for lunch from 1 PM to 2 PM.
- Please call the office to confirm our availability.